
I remember 8th grade and her, in fact now that I think about it what was her name? was her hair short or long? what colour were her eyes? I remember loneliness more than I can remember anyone else…

I remember 10th grade and her skinny waist. I remember sneaking around corridors and empty classrooms. I remember the passion and the intensity. why can’t I remember what she looked like?

I remember 12th grade and the pair of glasses that rested on her nose. I remember the way she spoke. I remember what she tasted like. I remember how she fucked with my head. is this suppression?

I don’t remember my life in college because I’ve suppressed it all; I don’t want to recall the times I spent under the pretense of love and affection. I don’t want to hear almost anymore.

I don’t remember anything.

I hate them all.

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